Who is the best Pokemon trainer in real life?

Who is the greatest Pokemon player?

BrandonTan91 is considered as the best Pokemon Go player in the world according to many people’s opinions. The player does more raids in a day than few players have ever done in the game. He has done 50 raids per day. The total XPs he has earned is over 900 million as of 2019.

What is the stupidest Pokémon?

It’s hard to list off weak Pokemon without just gravitating to the Bug-types of the series, but Metapod and its sister species Kakuna are undoubtedly the most incapable of the bunch.

Who is Ash’s dad?

Prior to Pokemon the Movie: Coco, much of what was known of Ash’s father comes from a short phone call with his mother, Delia Ketchum. According to the second episode of the original Pokemon anime, “Pokemon Emergency!,” Mr. Ketchum set off on a Pokemon training journey of his own.

Why is Ash’s Pikachu so op?

Ash’s Pikachu is so much more powerful than other Pikachu because he has been given several power boosts during the early days of its partnership with Ash, and because he has gained much experience during their joint adventures.

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