Which Pokémon is number 99?

Who is the 99th Pokémon?

Wailmer (ホエルコ) is the 99th Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex.

What is the number 98 Pokémon?

Krabby – #98 – River Crab Pokémon – veekun.

What Pokémon is number 21?


Name National Pokédex number
English Japanese
Rattata Koratta (コラッタ) 19
Raticate Ratta (ラッタ) 20
Spearow Onisuzume (オニスズメ) 21

What are the original 151 Pokémon?

The definitive ranking all 151 original Pokémon from worst to…

  • 151. Zubat, Fuck Zubat. Absolutely not. …
  • 150. Mr. Mime. …
  • 149. Electabuzz. Electabuzz just doesn’t feel like a real Pokémon, even though, ostensibly, it is quite good. …
  • 148. Omanyte. …
  • 147. Jynx. …
  • 146. Persian. …
  • 145. Farfetch’d. …
  • 144. Seaking.

What’s the rarest Pokémon?

We’ll update this guide as things change, but in August 2021 the rarest Pokémon you can potentially get your hands on are:

  • Meloette.
  • Shiny Mew.
  • Meinfoo.
  • Delibird.
  • Yamask.
  • Armoured Mewtwo.
  • Spiritomb.
  • Wash Rotom.

What Pokemon is number 27?

Sandshrew – #27 – Mouse Pokémon – veekun.

See also  What is the strongest Pokémon in Pokémon Quest?
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