Which legendary Pokemon can breed?

Are there any Breedable Legendary Pokemon?

The only legendary you can breed is Manaphy with a Ditto. You will get a Phione. Phione will not evolve into Manaphy. Other than that there is none.

Can Ditto breed with legendary?

Ditto is a very special Pokémon. It can breed with most Pokémon, regardless of gender (or lack thereof), and the egg produced will always belong to its partner. Ditto is also the only Pokémon that can breed with a legendary Pokémon or its offspring, as well as the only one who can breed with genderless Pokémon at all.

Can Legendary Pokemon make eggs?

No. Because all Legendary Pokemon are in the Undiscovered Egg Group, no Pokemon can breed with them. The only exception (sort of), is Manaphy. If you breed a Manaphy with a Ditto, you will get Phione.

Can Mewtwo and Ditto have an egg?

Mewtwo is breedable, with the EggGroup “Legendary”. Mewtwo can only be bred with a Ditto to produce more Mewtwo Eggs. If the Mewtwo Egg is obtained from the Daycare, it will count for your shiny chain. The chance of hatching a Mega Powered Mewtwo by breeding is the same as hatching any other Mega Powered Pokemon.

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Can you breed arceus with Ditto?

Arceus is a Legendary Pokemon that is obtained from Prof. … Arceus can only be bred with a Ditto to produce more Arceus Eggs. If the Arceus Egg is obtained from the Daycare, it will count for your shiny chain.

Can you breed Zacian?

Officially, both Pokemon are genderless, so when it comes to Pokemon breeding, it’s impossible to obtain them in egg form. However, for those curious, legends state that Zacian and Zamazenta are rivals and siblings, even though both are technically genderless.

Can Ditto become Mewtwo?

It’s been well established that Ditto and Mewtwo are both clones of Mew. Usually, Ditto is considered to be a failed attempt, while Mewtwo is what the scientist were aiming for, more or less.

Can you breed kyogre with Ditto?

No, Legendaries and few other pokemon are in the ‘No Egg’ group, which means they cannot breed, even with Ditto.

Can you breed type null with Ditto?

Breeding. It is impossible to breed Type: Null with any pokemon (including Ditto). This is a unique species that does not fit into the gender binary of the Pokemon games and is also in an undiscovered egg group.

Can you breed ultra beasts?

Ultra Beast: Despite several species being in this Egg Group, they can only breed with Ditto to produce offspring. … They can all breed with Ditto or one another, however, they always produce Zygarde Cell eggs.

Can Ditto pass Pokeball?

Females will always pass down their Poke Ball over the male if bred with a male or with a Ditto. Males will pass down their Poke Ball if bred with a Ditto. There are two exceptions to this rule. One is if the female and male are the exact same species.

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