Where is the TM psychic in Pokemon Silver?

Where is the TM psychic in Pokemon Gold?

Psychic in Saffron City.

What is TM 15 in Pokemon Silver?

The TMs

TM Name Location
12 Sweet Scent Route 34
13 Snore Route 39
14 Blizzard Goldenrod City (Game Corner – 5,500 Coins)
15 Hyper Beam Celadon City (Game Corner – 7,500 Coins)

Where can I buy TMs in Pokemon Silver?

After defeating or capturing the Sudowoodo in Route 36, you can go to the path on the right to see a man who will give you the TM. You can purchase it in the Goldenrod Department Store after doing so.

What is TM 02?

TM02 teaches a move to a compatible Pokémon. TM02 is: Razor Wind in Generation 1. Headbutt in Generation 2. Dragon Claw in Generations 3-7.

Where do you get psychic in gold?

Japanese Promos

# TM Location
TM26 Earthquake Victory Road
TM27 Return Goldenrod City Dept Store – 5th Floor – Sundays – Pokémon Like You
TM28 Dig Outside of the National Park
TM29 Psychic Saffron City – Mr. Psychic’s House Celadon Game Corner for 3500 coins.

What is TM 17 Pokemon?

TM17 is a TM introduced in Generation I.

Is Hyper beam physical in Gen 3?

Yes, they were Physical in Gen III.

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How much do TMS cost Pokemon?

Pokemon Tabletop Adventures

TM Cost
13 – Ice Beam 4200
14 – Blizzard 5100
15 – Hyper Beam 5000
16 – Light Screen 1500

Who can learn ice punch?

By TM / TR

Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise
Wigglytuff Psyduck Golduck
Poliwhirl Poliwrath Abra
Kadabra Alakazam Machop
Machoke Machamp Galarian Slowbro

Can XATU learn fly in Crystal?

Xatu. This half Flying, half Psychic Pokemon has a decent combination of non-damaging and damaging moves (including Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic and Fly), as well as a decent base stat total (470).

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