When can I save in Pokemon White?

How do you save on Pokemon White?

You go into your options, select Save, and select Yes (or OK) when prompted. I’m pretty sure you’re able to save quite early after starting the game, too.

How do you save on Pokemon Black and White?

1 Answer. By pressing X or Start, going down to “SAVE” and saving.

Can you have more than one save on Pokemon White?

Its one save per game.

Is Pokemon Black and white hard to Nuzlocke?

Pokemon Black & White 2 feature a new mode called Challenge mode that allows the player to play a more difficult version of the game, but even without that, this game can be quite difficult to Nuzlocke. … The player will have to be very well-equipped to be able to deal with Clay’s Excadrill.

How do you save on Pokemon Black and White 2?

3 Answers. Well, you can’t over write the save that is already on the game, which you got the warning message about when it said” “please press SELECT+UP+B at the start menu.” so, if you want to save in game you have to start again and follow that command to be able to save after.

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How do you get back to the title screen in Pokemon White?

What you are asking for is typically called “Soft Resetting” and for DS games this is typically achieved by holding down the L and R shoulder buttons as well as Start and Select (for 3ds games it’s Start or Select ). This will return you to the startup screen.

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How do I delete my Pokemon White 2 game?

In order to do it, go to the main screen of the game (where it shows the legendary and tells you to press start) and press Up, Select, and B at the same time. This will bring up some menu options that will be able to delete your game.

How do I delete my Pokemon White save file?

You need to press Up+Select+B on the Title Screen, which is the screen where you see the title (“Pokémon White Version”), and the cover Pokémon (Zekrom).

Can you have multiple save games in Pokemon Platinum?

No, they wont put it into the series, becausethey have always used every trick to gain sales, including: 1. Not allowing you to “CatchmAll” without buying two games. … Not allowing you to “CatchmAll” in D/P without buying all of the previous games, or having your friend buy them.

How do you save a new Pokemon game?

Saving the game can be done by selecting “SAVE” on the Menu Screen (see page 13). To delete your saved game, go to the Title Screen, then simultaneously press Up on the Control Pad, SELECT, and the B Button.

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