What time does Eevee evolve into Umbreon at night?

What time does Eevee evolve into umbreon at night?

What time should I evolve Umbreon at night?

If you’re in the game and it looks like it’s light out, the game will likely think it’s “day.” To be certain, you may want to wait until around 10PM local time for night, and 11AM for day.

Will Eevee automatically evolve into Umbreon at night?

If a user walks an Eevee 10km as a Buddy Pokemon, then evolves that Eevee during the day, it’ll turn to Espeon. At night, that Pokemon will evolve into Umbreon.

What is the best time to evolve Eevee into Umbreon?

Vaporeon, Jolteon, Vaporeon: These ones are pure RNG, so best of luck. Umbreon: Walk an Eevee 10km as your buddy, then evolve it at night while it’s still your buddy. Update: this requires no walking distance during community day, just equip as your buddy at night and evolve.

Which is better Umbreon or Espeon?

Espeon is a great sweeper. It has a legendary special attack and high speed. But it can easily be KO with one move. Umbreon is a great tank.

Can Eevee randomly evolve into Umbreon?

No, an Eevee will only evolve into an Umbreon or Espeon if it has been walked as a buddy for at least 10km and is your buddy at the time you evolve it. If this criteria has been met, Espeon/Umbreon will be the Pokémon your Eevee evolves into.

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Why is Eevee not evolving into Umbreon?

A bug in the game has made it so that Eevee no longer needs to be walked 10 KM to evolve into Umbreon or Espeon.

Can you randomly evolve an Umbreon?

Unfortunately Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon all evolve randomly from Eevee. However, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, and Leafeon have alternative methods. … Leafeon and Glaceon can both be reliably evolved from spinning a Mossy Lure or a Glacial Lure, respectively.

What is considered night for Umbreon?

If you evolve an Eevee while it is your buddy pokemon and you have walked at least 10km with it, it will turn to Umbreon during the night and to Espeon during the day.

What time does Eevee evolve into Umbreon sword?

Evolving It

Once you think you have Eevee’s friendship level high enough, the key to getting Umbreon is to level Eevee up during the night time. Doing so in the day time will evolve it in Espeon. To obtain Sylveon, you will need your Eevee to learn a fairy-type move (Eevee learns the move Baby-Doll Eyes early on).

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