What Pokemon can be found in Viridian City?

What Pokemon can spawn in Viridian Forest?

Pokemon Let’s Go Viridian Forest Pokemon

Pokemon Spawn Chance Encounter
Oddish 10% normal
Pikachu 5% normal
Butterfree 1% normal
Bulbasaur Rare Spawn normal

Where is the lure in Viridian Forest?

Available Items

Item Location
Antidote Straight up from entrance by the sign
Tiny Mushroom Top left dead end from left at entrance
Potion Behind a tree as you run by, top right
Lure Near the exit, in a clearing to the right of the final Trainer Tips post.

Why is Viridian City gym locked?

The most common reason why the door to the Viridian City Gym could be locked is because you haven’t delivered a special parcel to Professor Oak in Pallet Town.

What TM does Giovanni give you?

In the Gym battle, Giovanni’s reward TM once again contains Earthquake, although now, it’s TM41, instead of TM26.

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