What percentage IV Pokemon is good?

What is the average IV of a Pokémon?


Pokémon’s potential IV total
“average” “decent” 0 to 90
“better-than-average” “above-average” 91 to 120
“quite impressive” “relatively superior” 121 to 150

How many IVs is perfect?

Once you grab your good IV Pokémon from a raid or get a Ditto with good IVs, the goal is to make a Pokémon with at least five perfect IVs. To get a parent Pokémon to pass down IVs, give it a Destiny Knot to hold. This passes down five of their IVs to their child, randomly.

Is 89 IV a good Pokémon?

IVs are more important in GO Battle Master League than Ultra and Great… For example, a total IV score of 40 out of 45 (89%) would indicate a strong Pokemon, at least for that species. … Defense: A factor determining how much damage a Pokemon can resist. Stamina: A factor determining how long a Pokemon can survive.

Can a Pokémon have 6 Best IVs?

Each of the Pokémon that spawn in the overworld with a glowing aura is going to have at least three perfect IVs no matter what. Perfect IVs are randomized, but that gets you one step closer to having the full perfect six IVs most competitive players strive for.

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Is 3 star Pokémon better?

The team leader will tell you how your Pokémon ranks using stars and a pretty easy to understand graphic using bars. If your Pokémon has three stars and a red stamp, it means that it has 100% perfect IVs. If it has three star with an orange stamp, it has around 80-99% perfect IVs.

Is Hyper trained better than best?

Rather than actually changing a Pokémon’s IVs, Hyper Training sets a modifier for the game to treat that stat as if it had an IV of 31. … IVs that have been set to 31 via Hyper Training will say “Hyper trained!” rather than “Best” when the Pokémon is judged by the Judge program in the PC.

How do you get a perfect IV legendary sword?

The only way to increase the IVs of an individual Pokemon is to first complete the game’s main story and unlock the Battle Tower. If you have an item called a Bottle Cap or a Gold Bottle Cap, you will be able to exchange it to increase your Pokemon’s IVs through Hyper Training.

Should I evolve perfect IV Pokémon?

You can check out our tips for evolving Pokémon in Pokémon Go for more detail, but generally it’s advisable to evolve your high-IV Pokémon before you start spending Stardust to Power Up and increase its Level. That’s because each time a Pokémon evolves, although its IVs stay the same, its moveset is randomised.

Should I evolve higher CP or IV?

IV corresponds to max CP. So if you evolve the eevee with higher CP then it will also have higher CP post evolution, but it’s maximum CP will be lower. If you plan on pumping lots of stardust/candies into this pokemon then you should choose the higher IV with the higher max.

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Should I wait for perfect IV Pokémon?

If you have a Pokemon that is in the highest or second highest IV tier, it really is not that far away from perfect Max CP. So evolving a Pokemon with IV’s in the first or second tier is a good idea, you don’t need to wait for the perfect IV’s. Never power up a Pokémon before evolving it!

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