What order do Pokemon types go in?

What is the order of Pokemon types?

There are 18 Pokemon types in all: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Flying, Fighting, Poison, Electric, Ground, Rock, Psychic, Ice, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Dragon, Dark and Fairy. Here’s a full type chart showing how they all interact.

What are the 4 main Pokemon types?

There are eighteen different Types of Pokémon which include Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Water, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark and Fairy. Each Type has its own individual strengths and weaknesses.

What are the 11 types of Pokemon?

All Pokemon species have a type, which is either 1) normal 2) fire 3) water 4) electric 5) grass 6) ice 7) fighting 8) poison 9) ground 10) flying 11) psychic 12) bug 13) rock 14) ghost 15) dragon 16) dark 17) steel 18) fairy.

What is the rarest Pokémon type?

What Is The Rarest Pokémon Type? The rarest Pokémon type — as of Gen 9 — is Ice, with only 51 Pokémon being Ice type.

What is snorlax weakness?

Is there an ice type Pokemon?

As of Generation VIII, there are 51 Ice-type Pokémon or 5.67% of all Pokémon (counting those that are Ice-type in at least one of their forms, including regional forms), making it the rarest type.

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