What level should I evolve Pikachu in Pokemon Let’s go?

What level should I evolve Pikachu let’s go?

Pokemon Let’s Go Evolution Levels

First First Evolution Level Second
Rattata 20 Raticate
Spearow 20 Fearow
Ekans 20 Arbok
Pikachu Trade Raichu

Why won’t Pikachu take the Thunderstone?

If you accidentally grabbed the Pikachu from Let’s Go here, it will instead say Incompatible, so make sure you get the right one. Once you use the Thunder Stone on Pikachu, it will evolve into Raichu. This cannot be evolved into the Alolan Form of Raichu like this, which you would have seen in Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Is raichu better than Pikachu?

Raichu IS stronger, tougher and more durable than Pikachu in the games. The only down side is that Raichu can’t use the Light Ball but regardless it still has higher total base stats. However, it would have lower Attack and Sp. Attack, so Pikachu would generally be the better sweeper.

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