What does status effects do in Pokémon?

How many status effects can a Pokémon have?

You can’t have more than 1 Major status alignment. A non-volatile status condition is a status condition that remains outside of battle and after being switched out. A Pokémon can only be afflicted by one non-volatile status condition at a time.

What Pokémon is immune to status effects?

Pokemon with magic guard are immune to taking damage from status, items, or weather.

How do status moves work Pokémon?

A status move is one that does not inflict direct damage, but causes status conditions or other effects, such as increasing or decreasing the stats of the target Pokémon.

Is flinch a status condition?

The flinch status is a one-turn status that prevents a Pokémon from attacking. A Pokémon can only flinch if it is hit by another Pokémon’s move before using its move.

Can Pokémon have 2 status problems?

A Pokémon can only be afflicted by one non-volatile status condition at a time. A non-volatile status condition is a status condition that remains outside of battle and after being switched out. These are: Burn, Freeze, Paralysis, Sleep and Poison.

How long is Pokémon infatuation?

A Pokémon will be Infatuated 50% of the time. This lasts until one of the Pokémon is either recalled or fainted.

Can you sleep a paralyzed Pokémon?

If a Pokemon is Paralyzed, they cannot be Burned as well. However, if a Pokemon knows Rest, the Status Condition will be “healed” and replaced with Sleep.

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