What does gold member do in Pokémon planet?

What does a gold membership do in Pokemon planet?

Main Credit Shop Items

Item Description Price
Normal Member
30 Day Gold Membership Gold Membership for 30 days. +50% exp and money +50% UC/R/VR/ER encounter rates +20% shiny encounter rate 700 Credits
World Blessing +20 experience for all players on the server for 1 hour. 100 Credits
Mystery Box Contains a random prize. 80 Credits

What does a Christmas blessing do in Pokemon planet?

– All pokemon on the new Christmas maps have a chance to drop Christmas Coins, which can be redeemed for prizes after saving Santa. Drop Rate Blessings will increase the Christmas Coin drop rate.

What does World blessing do in Pokemon planet?

Using a World Blessing awards Philantropist Points equal to the amount of players online. The max is capped out at 500.

Where can I find mankey in Pokemon planet?

Mankey can be found in the mountains, where it lives in treetop colonies.

How do you mine Pokémon planet?

-To begin your Mining, go to F1 Mt. Moon and meet the Mining Guru to purchase an Old Pickaxe for 5000$. With this pickaxe you can start mining the red gem deposits scattered throughout the area. -To mine, press the space bar and wait until your character finishes the job.

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What is drop rate blessing Pokemon planet?

Once a Drop Rate Blessing is used, the entire server gets an additional 20% chance for a wild Pokemon to drop an item for one hour.

Where is the elite shop in Pokemon planet?

The EXP Share (Enhanced) is found in the Elite Shop (Lance) next to Pokemon Center in the Indigo Plateau. You’ll need to defeat the Kanto Elite Four to unlock the shop. It can be purchased with Elite Tokens (20).

How do you get the shiny charm in Pokemon planet?

The Shiny Charm can be purchased by Lance (Elite Shop) at the Indigo Plateau for 30 Elite Tokens. Stardust is a rare drop in Mt Moon and Mt Silver, and can also be crafted with a Moonstone.

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