What does ditto paper smell like?

Why did dittos smell so good?

The output of the ditto machine had a special aroma. Students could tell when a class assignment was hot out of the machine by the strength of the odor of the pages. The smell came from the ditto machine’s duplicating fluid, a mix of methanol and isopropanol.

Why did everyone smell the paper in fast times?

After the paper is passed out, the students put the page up to their noses and deeply inhale. This was a popular school ritual of the ’60s, ’70s and early ’80s as photocopying machines were very expensive, so ditto machines were used. The resulting copies did not get you high but they smelled good.

Why do I sniff paper?

The paper, inks, and adhesives that make up a book contain hundreds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). As these components break down, VOCs are released into the air, and we detect them in the form of that distinctive odor.

What does a mimeograph smell like?

What did mimeograph ink smell like? With its rapturously fragrant, sweetly aromatic pale blue ink, mimeograph paper was literally intoxicating.

What was mimeograph paper?

A paper designed for use with mimeograph machines. A mimeograph is a duplicating machine, invented in England in 1881, that made multiple copies using a stencil. The stencil is made from a coated fiber sheet. Typing cuts through the coating to expose the fiber base.

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Why do I like the smell of paper?

Research suggests that there is a scientific reason why old pages in a book smell so good to some people. As books decompose over time, they emit a smell that comes from volatile organic compounds. When you don’t know the name of a scent, you tend to associate with something more familiar to you.

Who invented the mimeograph?

What is a Duplo machine?

Duplo International provides sustainable, high precision, automated print finishing technology that enables customers to turn paper into great communication and grow their businesses. Duplo drives development of quality-focused products, all backed by world class support and service.

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