What do Poffins do in Pokemon Go Reddit?

Are Poffins worth it Pokemon go?

As I said previously, buying a Poffin will maintain your buddy’s mood, keep them fat n’ happy, and — most importantly — it will keep them on the map. You essentially get “more time” with your buddy based on their mood, so it’s definitely worth your money.

How many hours do Poffins last?

By giving a Pokémon a Poffin, the Pokémon will stay by your side on the Map longer (6 hours). By giving a Pokémon berries, the Pokémon will only stay for 3 hours.

How many Poffins do you need for best buddy?

Remember that getting your buddy excited without Poffins is not easy, unless you follow a very strict regimen like the one I described. At this pace, it would take you ~1.5 months to get a new Best Buddy (300 hearts, 6-8 hearts per day), ~1 month if you get all Battle hearts.

How many hearts do you get per Buddy level?

To earn Best Buddy with your chosen ‘mon, you’ll need to earn 300 Hearts. Completing the above process each day for 12-13 days will allow you to reach Best Buddy status, providing you also spin new Pokestops.

Does a Poffin last all day?

Giving your buddy Pokemon a Poffin will reward the player with the maximum daily number of Affection hearts in the “Give your buddy a treat” category. One Poffin costs 100 Pokecoins and upon feeding a buddy Pokemon with it, they stay full, stay on the map and will have their status as excited for a longer period.

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Does feeding Poffins increase happiness?

Once you’re done cooking, you can feed poffin to your pokemon to permanently boost their contest attributes. … Feeding a pokemon poffin in a flavor it likes will increase its happiness, while feeding it poffin it dislikes will make it angry.

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