What are the Pokémon type advantages?

What are the 3 best Pokemon types?

Pokemon: 10 Best Type Combinations, Ranked

  • 8 Electric/Steel.
  • 7 Water/Flying.
  • 6 Steel/Flying.
  • 5 Steel/Fairy.
  • 4 Ghost/Dark.
  • 3 Poison/Dark.
  • 2 Steel/Bug.
  • 1 Water/Ground.

What Pokemon types are necessary?

To start answering this, there are three types that are absolutely required on any list for this question.

  • Ground. Since this is the only type that is super-effective against Electric types. …
  • Fighting. …
  • Dark or Ghost. …
  • Ice. …
  • Flying. …
  • Electric or Grass. …
  • Poison or Steel. …
  • Summary.

What are the 4 main Pokemon types?

Pokemon Sword & Shield Type Chart: strengths, weaknesses and resistances listed. There are 18 Pokemon types in all: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Flying, Fighting, Poison, Electric, Ground, Rock, Psychic, Ice, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Dragon, Dark and Fairy. Here’s a full type chart showing how they all interact.

What 4 Pokémon moves cover all types?

Ghost, Fighting, Ice, and Ground.

Not only do these types hit all types at least normally effective, but they hit super effectively on the vast majority of Pokemon: 588/774, to be exact.

What is snorlax weakness?

What is the best Pokemon?

Pokémon Go Best Attackers Tier List

Rank Pokémon Best vs.
1 Mewtwo Many
2 Rayquaza Many
3 Kyogre Fire, Rock and Ground-types
4 Lucario Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock and Steel-type
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