What are Mewtwo attacks?

What Charged attacks can Mewtwo learn?

Charged moves

  • Flamethrower (Fire-type) – 90 damage and 55 energy.
  • Focus Blast (Fighting-type) – 150 damage and 75 energy.
  • Hyper Beam (Normal-type) – 150 damage and 80 energy.
  • Ice Beam (Ice-type) – 90 damage and 55 energy.
  • Psychic (Psychic-type) – 90 damage and 55 energy (10% chance to lower the opponent’s defense rank by 1)

What is Mewtwo strong against?

As a Psychic-type Pokémon, Mewtwo is weak to Bug-, Ghost-, and Dark-type attacks. When choosing six Pokémon for your Mewtwo Raid Battle lineup, it helps to choose Pokémon that have a Bug-, Ghost-, or Dark-type Fast Attack and Charged Attack if you want to deal maximum damage as quickly as possible.

Who is Mewtwo weakest against?

Mewtwo is weak against: Bug, Dark, Ghost. Mewtwo counters: Gengar, Mewtwo, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Weavile, Genesect, Darkrai, Origin Giratina, Hydreigon, Chandelure and Yveltal. Other Mewtwo notes: Prioritise Dark attacks, as well as powerful Psychics.

Is Mewtwo or shadow Mewtwo better?

Though it’s likely tempting to instantly get a high-CP Mewtwo without much effort, Shadow Mewtwo’s damage output is significantly higher than a regular Mewtwo because of how the Shadow Pokemon mechanics work in the game. Even if this changes at some point, Shadow Mewtwo can be purified at any time.

Is it worth powering up Shadow Mewtwo?

Shadow Psystrike Mewtwo is almost as powerful as a weather boosted regular Psystrike Mewtwo. … Of course, a 10/10/10 (the minimum you could possibly get) is much better than a 0/0/0, so even if you were extremely unlucky with the IVs of your Shadow Mewtwo do not worry and power it up anyway, you won’t regret it!

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