Quick Answer: Where is Pikachu in Viridian Forest?

What is the spawn rate of Pikachu in Viridian Forest?

Viridian Forest

Pokemon Games Rate
Kakuna LG 5%
Metapod FR 5%
Metapod LG 10%
Pikachu FR/LG 5%

Is Pikachu in Viridian Forest?

Viridian Forest (Japanese: トキワの森 Tokiwa Forest) is a forest which lies between Viridian City and Pewter City in the middle of Route 2 with both the north and south entrances of Viridian Forest open to the route.

Generation III.

Pokémon Pikachu
Games LG
Location Grass
Levels 3, 5
Rate 5%

Is raichu better than Pikachu?

Raichu IS stronger, tougher and more durable than Pikachu in the games. The only down side is that Raichu can’t use the Light Ball but regardless it still has higher total base stats. However, it would have lower Attack and Sp. Attack, so Pikachu would generally be the better sweeper.

When should I evolve Pikachu?

Where can you get Eevee in fire red?

Eevee location in Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green! Eevee can be found in Celadon City, and can be evolved into Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon or Umbreon, depending on evolution stones or time of day when leveling the pokemon.

How do I move to Viridian Forest?

Through the Forest

  1. Make a left when you first enter the forest. Now continue on north and turn left again to get your hands on a Poké Ball.
  2. Make your way east, pass the area where you first entered and go up north. …
  3. Don’t bother going right. …
  4. Follow the path north, then south through two grassy areas. …
  5. You’re almost done.
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How do you get past Team Rocket in Viridian City?

To do this, head to the Poke Mart in Viridian City, and on your way out, the shopkeeper will ask if you could deliver a special package to Professor Oak, just down the road. If this occurs, then all you need to do is deliver the package, and the Gym will be unlocked.

When should I evolve Pikachu red?

That is what I did with my Pikachu, and now it is my ultimate Raichu! So keep that Pikachu until 50 and then evolve it whenever. Just at least past level 50.

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