Quick Answer: What does synchronize move do in Pokémon?

Is synchronize a good move?

Synchronoise is a charged move, so it does a large amount of damage, 80, and your Pokémon needs to charge up energy to use it, 50, specifically. … It will be effective against Fighting and Poison-type Pokémon, but it’s not good when fighting Dark, Psychic, and Steel-type Pokémon.

How does synchronize work in Pokémon?

Synchronize is an ability that Psychic-Type Pokémon and Umbreon have. This ability passes on status conditions inflicted on the Pokémon back to the opponent. This ability only works with the poisoned, paralyzed, and burned conditions.

Can you poison a poison type with synchronize?

Unfortunately, no, synchronize can not pass poison onto steel-types. The poison would try to pass, but the game would let you know that it can not be poisoned.

Which is better synchronize or trace?

Trace would be better because synchronize just gives your opponent the status effect you have and that could end up helping them. While trace basically copies the opponents Pokemon’s ability which is very useful for when it copies abilities like pressure or marvel scale. Hope this helps.

Does synchronize work with sleep?

When a Pokémon with Synchronize is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned by another Pokémon, that Pokémon will be inflicted with the same status condition. Synchronize will not inflict sleep or freeze.

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Is grudge a priority move?

Grudge (Japanese: おんねん Grudge) is a non-damaging Ghost-type move introduced in Generation III.

Grudge (move)

Type Ghost
Accuracy —%
Priority {{{priority}}}

Can Gardevoir learn Synchronoise?

Not only will this notoriously elusive Pokémon appear more frequently between 4pm and 7pm, any Gardevoir or Gallade evolved from a Kirlia will learn Synchronoise, a powerful psychic move.

Why can umbreon learn Synchronoise?

2 Answers. The point of Umbreon being able to learn Synchronoise is because its pre-evolution, Eevee, can learn it as an egg move. If Eevee can learn it through breeding, so can its evolutions. Unfortunately, you are right that the move cannot hit Dark-types, like Umbreon.

Does synchronize work on Kubfu?

Synchronize doesn’t work on gift pokemon, you just going have to go through RNG to get a nature you want, ideally Jolly nature is what recommended.

Can fire types be burned by synchronize?

In-Depth Effect: When this Pokémon becomes Poisoned, Paralyzed, or Burned, so does the opponent. However, Fire-type and Water Veil ability Pokémon cannot be Burned, Poison-type and Steel-type and Immunity ability Pokémon cannot be Poisoned, and Limber ability Pokémon cannot be Paralyzed.

Does synchronize work on Calyrex?

Synchronize won’t work on Calyrex, but can confirm it works on bird trio. Also can confirm that if you knock out the bird, it respawns with new IVs.

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