Quick Answer: Should I purify before evolving Pokemon go?

Is it better to purify Pokémon before powering up?

Conversely, when you purify the Pokémon they will lose this bonus in favor of cheaper power up costs to Stardust and Candy. So sure, if you’re low on those and need to power up a character then purifying might be wise, but that’s a temporary situation and there’s no going back.

Should I evolve purified Pokémon?

Purified Pokémon have a number of perks that set them apart from other Pokémon, which include: The Candy cost for powering up or evolving the Pokémon will decrease by 10%. … The Purified Pokémon will learn Return – a 3 bar Normal type move, which is great for Normal type Pokémon.

Is there a reason not to purify Pokémon?

The downsides to purification are: Purified Pokemon lose the 20% damage bonus made available to Shadows. Though this is less painful for certain Pokemon, others do benefit highly from remaining as a Shadow. The 2 IV increase is often dwarfed by the Shadow damage boost.

Should I max out Pokémon before evolving?

Since CP increases from power ups are also proportional across evolutions, you’ll get the same results for the same amount of stardust and candies whether you power up the Pokemon before or after evolving it. It should make no difference at all.

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Should you purify Shadow Mewtwo?

Players should not purify Shadow Mewtwo. Though it’s likely tempting to instantly get a high-CP Mewtwo without much effort, Shadow Mewtwo’s damage output is significantly higher than a regular Mewtwo because of how the Shadow Pokemon mechanics work in the game.

Is Shadow Mewtwo worth powering up?

Shadow Psystrike Mewtwo is almost as powerful as a weather boosted regular Psystrike Mewtwo. … Of course, a 10/10/10 (the minimum you could possibly get) is much better than a 0/0/0, so even if you were extremely unlucky with the IVs of your Shadow Mewtwo do not worry and power it up anyway, you won’t regret it!

Are Shadow Pokémon worth keeping?

6 Is There Any Benefit To Keeping Shadow Pokémon? Trainers who choose to keep their Pokémon as Shadow Pokémon will reap the benefits of increased attack stats, but at the cost of decreased defensive stats. For some trainers, these stronger attacks are well worth the tradeoff.

Is frustration a good move for Mewtwo?

According to an analysis by Reddit user Teban54, Shadow Mewtwo is 20% more effective in raids than regular Mewtwo. So consider not purifying Shadow Mewtwo: TM frustration away and pump it up normally to have a capable raiding creature on your hands.

Should I purify moltres?

May wraps up the Giovanni legendary birds quests with Shadow Moltres. Players should not purify their shadow legendaries and keep them as is. Shadow Pokemon are some of the most effective in raids and in sections of Go Battle League.

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