Quick Answer: Is it possible to solo a 5 star raid in Pokemon go?

Can you solo a Pokemon go raid?

You can’t do it alone; you’ll need help from fellow Trainers to raid the Gym and (hopefully) prevail. Raid Battles aren’t your typical Gym Battle; your opponent is more difficult to defeat than most other Pokémon. Raids have 4 tiers of difficulty: tier 1, tier 3, tier 5, and Mega Raids.

What level RAID can you solo?

A general consensus has emerged on Reddit that five of the seven Level 3 Raid bosses can be beaten with just one player. Although several of the solo Raids will use up almost all of a raid’s 180 seconds, it seems that a team of Level 30 Pokemon has enough firepower to beat a Raid Boss.

Can you solo a 4 star raid Pokemon go?

A chart showing all Pokémon that can hatch from Rare (Yellow) Raid Eggs. These Pokémon are all Level / Tier 3 Raid and Level 4 Raid Bosses and most of them are not soloable , even for 30+ level Trainers. At least 3 Trainers are required to take them down.

What is the best Pokemon for raids?

Best Pokémon GO attackers

  • (Shadow) Mewtwo. Put simply, Mewtwo is the best Pokémon. …
  • (Shadow) Metagross. Metagross is the best steel-type Pokémon GO attacker. …
  • Machamp. Machamp is a powerful attacker, although it is a little on the frail side. …
  • Rayquaza. …
  • Kyogre. …
  • Groudon. …
  • (Shadow) Salamence. …
  • Thundurus (Therian form)
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Can you solo raid Kangaskhan?

The base CP for Kangaskhan in raid battles is about 15,000. It’s not generally a battle that players can do solo.

Can you solo Tier 3 raids?

The raid mechanic introduced one of the few challenges available to trainers in Pokemon GO: soloing tier 3 raids. Soloing a tier 3 raid requires knowledge of which Pokemon to use and how to best use them in battle. A trainer’s goals will vary based on their trainer level and accessibility to in-game resources.

Can you solo Golurk?

Can you solo Golurk? Golurk is available in Pokemon GO in three-star raids, which can be completed by high-level solo trainers with the right set of counters.

Can you solo a Metagross raid?

Metagross is a Tier 3 raid boss in Pokemon GO, with 25440 CP. Metagross, as of the release of Mega Pokemon in Pokemon GO, should be soloable as a Tier 3 boss with optimal Level 30 counters or better. …

Can you beat a tyranitar raid by yourself?

Tyranitar is currently an impossible solo and a challenging, but doable duo. Using the top counters listed above will enable two-level 40 trainers to defeat this Pokémon, but it may be close. It is recommended that at least three trainers team up to take on this Tier Four boss to guarantee a win.

Can I solo a 2 star raid?

A little guide to solo 2-star raids (Exeggutor, Magmar, Electabuzz, Muk, Weezing) TL;DR: Exeggutor and Magmar are really easy to solo by exploiting their numerous weaknesses. … Raid bosses are listed in increasing order of difficulty, from the easiest (Exeggutor) to the hardest (Weezing).

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