Quick Answer: How long does little cup Pokemon go last?

How long will the little cup last?

The Little Cup will run from Monday, November 9, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. to Monday, November 16, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PST (GMT −8). Only Pokémon that are able to evolve and have not evolved even once are eligible.

Why can I only do little cup in Pokémon GO?

Pokémon are also limited to 500 CP, which in Pokémon GO language is very weak. Other battle leagues limit Pokémon to 1,500 or 2,500, making the Little Cup the weakest tournament to enter. … Pokémon must be able to evolve and must not have evolved even once. The CP limit is 500.

What do you do with the little cup in Pokémon GO?

Top Choices For GO Battle League Season 5’s Little Cup In Pokémon…

  1. Bronzor (Confusion, Psyshock, Heavy Slam)
  2. Wynaut (Counter, Mirror Coat)
  3. Cottonee (Charm, Grass Knot, Seed Bomb)
  4. Deino (Dragon Breath, Body Slam, Crunch)
  5. Shelmet (Infestation, Body Slam, Bug Buzz)
  6. Wooper (Mud Shot, Body Slam, Mud Bomb)

Is Pikachu allowed in little cup?

In Pokémon Go, the Little Cup rules state that only unevolved Pokémon who are under 500CP can participate. The Pokémon must have an evolution, but must be at the start of its evolutionary line – so, Pichu can compete permissable, but Pikachu cannot. The Little Cup isn’t the only new tournament coming to the game.

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What are the requirements for the catch cup?

Best Pokémon to use for Catch Cup

The best Pokémon to use for the Catch Cup is restricted to only creatures caught since November 9th. In addition, the best Pokémon you can use for the Catch Cup must also be 1,500 CP max, and you cannot use mythical creatures Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, and Victini.

Who uses little cup?

Best Pokemon: More Monsters to Choose For Little Cup

Vulpix (or Shadow Vulpix) with Ember + Body Slam or Flame Charge. Vullaby with Feint Attack + Brave Bird or Foul Play. Pawniard with Fury Cutter + Night Slash or X-Scissor. Hoothoot with Feint Attack + Sky Attack or Aerial Ace.

What Pokemon should I use for little cup?

Ducklett. Ducklett is a viable option in the Little Cup because of its stamina and typing. As we know stamina (and defense) go a long way, giving the Pokemon in question the bulk to survive Charged attacks. The Water Bird Pokemon’s dual flying and water typing also gives it favorable matchups.

Can you use evolved Pokemon in Little Cup?

The Little Cup will run from November 9 at 1 p.m. PT until November 16 at 1 p.m. PT. During this time, only Pokemon that are capable of evolving but haven’t been evolved will be able to participate. … Only Pokemon that have been captured since the start of Season 5 will be able to participate in this cup.

What Pokémon are not allowed in Little Cup?

Players cannot use the following Pokémon:

  • Aipom.
  • Cutiefly.
  • Drifloon.
  • Gligar.
  • Meditite.
  • Misdreavus.
  • Murkrow.
  • Porygon.
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