Quick Answer: How do you evolve Kadabra in Pokemon Platinum?

Can you evolve Kadabra without trading in platinum?

Unfortunately no. If you want, you could try to use the DS WiFi exploit to access the GTS and offer something in exchange for a Kadabra.

What level does Kadabra evolve Pokémon Platinum?

It evolves from Abra starting at level 16 and evolves into Alakazam when traded.

Can I evolve Kadabra without trading?

You can’t, for the exact reasons you stated. While it would be possible if one of the ingame traders was willing to trade one, according to the Bulbapedia ingame trade list there is no such trader.

How do you evolve Pokémon without trading in platinum?

In Generation IV there is a glitch with the GTS that allows Pokémon to evolve by being traded, but without actually trading them. Players must first place a Pokémon that evolves by trading it (with the correct held item, like Metal Coat for Scyther or Electirizer for Electabuzz) onto the GTS.

Can you Evolve Haunter without trading?

Will Haunter be able to evolve without being traded? No. It is a Pokémon that requires a link or GTS or wonder trade to evolve. … Haunter only evolves into Gengar if you trade.

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Can you evolve Onix without trading?

You don’t. You have to trade Onix holding a metal coat for it to evolve.

Why is Kadabra a spoon?

Kadabra holds a silver spoon in its hand. The spoon is used to amplify the alpha waves in its brain. Without the spoon, the Pokémon is said to be limited to half the usual amount of its telekinetic powers.

Can you evolve Graveler without trading?

You normally cannot trade between emulators, making it difficult to get Graveler to evolve. There is a special version of the VBA emulator called VBALink that allows you to run up to four instances of it at once.

Is Kadabra a good Pokemon?

Although Kadabra is an NFE, it is one of the strongest special attackers in the tier. However, unlike most other heavy hitting special attackers, Kadabra is also one of the faster Pokemon in the tier, outspeeding threats such as Sawsbuck and Charizard.

How do you evolve scyther without trading?

Give the Metal Coat to Scyther and offer to trade Scyther on the Global Trade Station (GTS). Make an impossible request, such as a level 1 Mewtwo, to ensure Scyther does not get traded. Immediately withdraw Scyther from the GTS, and it will evolve into a Scizor.

How do you evolve Machoke without trading?

You’ll be using a special program on your computer that will modify your ROM file’s data. These changes will allow you to evolve Machoke into Machamp without having to trade. Instead, it will attempt to evolve as soon as it reaches Level 37.

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