Quick Answer: How do you evolve Eevee into Espeon during the day?

What time of day does Eevee evolve into Espeon?

Once you’re CERTAIN you’ve walked that far, you can evolve your Eevee to attain one or the other evolution types. Evolve Eevee at night to get Umbreon, or during the day to get Espeon! The switchover to “night” or “day” in the game is generally marked by the look of the environment in-game.

How do you evolve Eevee into Espeon during the day without name trick?

To evolve Eevee into Espeon without using the name trick, players need to walk with the Eevee they want to evolve for 10km. After having Eevee as their walking buddy for that long, they can then evolve it into Espeon by evolving it during the day.

Can you evolve Eevee into Espeon without walking?

Umbreon and Espeon don’t need to be walked 10 KM to evolve during Eevee Community Day 2021. Trainers, an issue is causing there to be no walking requirement to evolve Eevee into Umbreon or Espeon, while it is your buddy.

How do you evolve Eevee into an SP on during the day?

There’s a similar trick in Pokemon GO, having to do with walking an Eevee buddy. If a user walks an Eevee 10km as a Buddy Pokemon, then evolves that Eevee during the day, it’ll turn to Espeon.

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Why did my Eevee evolve into Espeon at night?

True to their titles, the Sun and Moonlight Eeveelutions still evolve based on the time of day: Espeon during the day, Umbreon at night. … This means that at 8pm at night, an Eevee will evolve into an Espeon instead of an Umbreon if the level-up takes place outside of the Wild Area.

How do you get an Espeon name?

The first time you want to get your hands on Espeon and Umbreon, you can use the name trick detailed above. Evolve an Eeevee called Tamao to get an Umbreon, or an Eevee named Sakura to evolve it into Espeon.

What happens if you just Evolve Eevee?

You can evolve an Eevee into an Espeon (psychic), Umbreon (dark type), Flareon (a fire type), a Vaporeon (a water type) or a Jolteon (an electric type) just by changing your Eevee’s name. This trick only works once per name, so do each evolution with an Eevee that has good stats for the best results.

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