Quick Answer: Can you change Japanese pokemon names?

Can Japanese Pokémon have English names?

Although some of the Japanese and English names of Pokémon are the same, many of them are different. Pokémon names are easier to remember when they are localized, and some of the Japanese names are based on English words, which would only sound silly to English speakers.

Why are Japanese Pokémon names different?

Even names from the TV show differ in the Japanese original. … The name is a portmanteau of two Japanese onomatopoeias: pikapika for something sparkly, and chuuchuu for the sound a mouse makes, so Pikachu’s name actually makes a lot of sense.

Why can’t I change my Pokémon’s nickname?

The only time you cannot change a nickname is if you get the Pokémon through a trade. If you are trading for a Pokémon and want it to have a different nickname, ask the person you are trading with to do it before the trade is made.

What does gyarados mean in Japanese?

Gyarados, known in Japan as ギャラドス (Gyarados), is a abominable and hostile Water-type Pokémon that, despite not being able to fly, is also a Flying-type.

Can you get rid of Pokemon nicknames?

You can’t delete a nickname, so don’t give ’em one if you don’t want one! In Black and White, you can go to the name rater, tap the sprite next to the name of your pokemon and it will change it to it’s original species name, then when you evolve it, the name will change acording to the pokemon’s new species.

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