Quick Answer: Can Pokémon moves affect humans?

Can Pokémon harm humans?

Pokémon, being aimed at children, never explicitly mentions Pokémon directly killing humans. They do, however, hint at several Pokémon who kill. From the Pokédex entry of Litwick: The flame on its head keeps its body slightly warm. This Pokémon takes lost children by the hand to guide them to the spirit world.

Can people learn Pokémon moves?

Pokémon are able to use many more moves outside of battle, such as Bulbasaur’s Vine Whip. … Similar to Move Tutors in the game, Pokémon can also learn moves by special training from certain people.

Do humans have types Pokemon?

Humans (Japanese: 人 human) are a species that exist in the Pokémon world. … Humans who own and use Pokémon for a number of different purposes are called Pokémon Trainers and are found throughout the regions of the Pokémon world.

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