Question: Why do people like the Pokemon games?

“It’s particularly lovely as the game approaches all ages,” says LouLou The Pikachu, a video game commentator and all-round Pokémon super-fan. “[Pokémon] means everything to me. It’s meant I can meet new people, travel the world and experience new cultures – and there’s also a great camaraderie among the players.”

What’s the point of Pokemon games?

The point of the game is to “catch all of the Pokemon” almost like a collection, and evolve them and raise their levels so they become stronger. Because some Pokemon are almost impossible to find, it’s pretty difficult to “catch ’em all.”

Why are they making Pokemon games easier?

There are a lot more things competing for a person’s time than there were back then. For example, there are so many free games you can play on your phone now, there’s so many entertainment options, so making it a little easier to play is the reason for that.” … So we’re always just trying to surprise people.”

Is Pokemon banned in India?

Pokemon Go went viral in no time when it was launched in India but the craze over this AR-based game dulled over time. … Although the official entry of this AR-based game was a little late in comparison with the global launch, that never stopped Indian players from playing the game.

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On the contrary: While the days of honest-to-Willow stampedes in Central Park at the sight of a Vaporeon might have come and gone, the game remains a sensation. Parent company Niantic, which does not make player statistics or revenue figures public, says that the game has now been downloaded more than 1 billion times.

Is Pokémon a fun game?

Pokémon is a fun game that will provide you will endless hour shift playing the games, watching the show and videos online, exploring the fan base, playing the card game. Overall Pokémon is a great game. I divide gamers into two categories: Strategers.

Is Magic a Pokémon?

The main pertinent claims about Pokémon that they make can often be generally truthful: “Kids who get into Pokémon might become interested in other games like Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons.” “Pokémon has magic and ghosts.” … It’s not magic per se, it’s psychic powers, and ghost Pokémon are made of gas.

Is Pokémon a turn based RPG?

The combat in the game takes all of the core elements from turn-based RPGs like Final Fantasy and streamlines it into “types.” Each pokémon has at least one type filled with strengths and weaknesses. … Pokémon gets around this not only by streamlining many of the systems, but also by giving players clear directions.

Which Pokemon game is the hardest?

The absolute hardest Pokemon game has to be Pokemon Platinum, and it earns this title with all the polish that the original Sinnoh games sorely lacked.

Is Pokemon sun too easy?

It’s not even difficulty, it’s just obnoxious. As far as battles, since x and y, the exp share has become the switch for easy mode and hard mode. You don’t have to use it, but if you don’t, you’re gonna have a bad time. I found that the trials are ten times harder.

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Is Pokemon Eevee too easy?

Yes, and no. It’s easier because there’s a system where Pokemon with high friendship can just evade moves, heal status conditions, endure attacks, and so on. Not to mention that the starters have been buffed excessively, with exclusive moves that are super powerful and some which have 100% chances to inflict status.

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