Question: What determines how long a Pokemon sleeps for?

How does Pokemon sleep work?

Pokemon Sleep is a brand new mobile app which is coming in 2020. It acts like a sleep tracker, which rewards players for sleeping – in a similar way to how Pokemon Go rewards players for walking. When a player is asleep, it will affect the game play, meaning that when they wake up, they will get a surprise.

How do you stop a Pokémon from falling asleep?


  1. The abilities Insomnia, Sweet Veil, and Vital Spirit prevent a Pokemon from falling asleep.
  2. The ability Early Bird causes a Pokemon to awake quicker than it otherwise would.
  3. Grass type Pokemon are immune to various Grass type moves including Spore and Sleep Powder.

What are the chances of a Pokémon waking up?

In gen VI, a Pokémon may stay asleep for 1-3 turns, which means there is a 1/3 (33%) chance of a Pokémon waking up on the first turn, the second and the third.

Why are my Pokémon not listening to me?

In the games. An outsider Pokémon will often not obey the player’s commands if its level is too high and the player does not have the appropriate Badge, Stamp, or number of Badges. … It appears that the closer the Pokémon’s level is to the Trainer’s maximum level, the more likely it is to listen.

See also  Can you dupe Pokemon in Pokemon go?
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