Question: Is Pokémon Platinum better than Pearl?

Is Pokemon Platinum the hardest?

Generation IV isn’t that much harder than Generation III– and certainly not when it comes to the Battle Frontier– but Platinum is much harder than Emerald was and HeartGold and Soul Silver do an incredible job at remaking Generation II, ironing out Johto’s imbalanced difficulty curve.

Which Pokemon game is the hardest?

The absolute hardest Pokemon game has to be Pokemon Platinum, and it earns this title with all the polish that the original Sinnoh games sorely lacked.

Is Platinum harder than diamond?

Platinum is not a hard metal. It is 4 – 4.5 on the MOHs scale of hardness. This means it can be scratched by anything harder than it is. Diamond is ten on the MOHs scale and can easily scratch platinum.

Is Platinum better than diamond?

And for a ring that is symbolic of commitment and longevity, there is no better pairing than one made from two of the strongest and most radiant materials: platinum and diamond. … Platinum is stronger, more durable and more likely to last a lifetime.

Is Shinx good Platinum?

2 Answers. One hundred percent yes! If you ever watch poketubers playing Platinum a good lot of them have Luxray on their team because its early game, has great stats, and super helpful!

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What is the hardest Pokemon to evolve?

The list of the hardest to evolve is a bit longer: Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Wartortle, Nidorina, Nidorino, Gloom, Poliwhirl, Kadabra, Machoke, Weepinbell, Graveler, Haunter, and Dragonair. Not only are they harder to come by, but in order to get them to evolve you will need 100 candies of their earlier forms.

Can you catch Mewtwo in platinum?

Mewtwo in the Pokemon game was introduced to be the strongest Pokemon. … That’s why you cannot find Mewtwo in Platinum. And, if you want to obtain Mewtwo, you have to migrate or trade for one. According to some users, you can get Mewtwo with Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green.

Are pearls rarer than diamonds?

When it comes to whether pearls or diamonds are more expensive, it’s impossible to say one is always more expensive than the other. … However, natural pearls are exceptionally rare and worth more than many diamonds on the market.

What is the world’s most expensive gemstone?

The Most Expensive Gemstone in the World: The Blue Diamond

  • Are worth $3.93 million per carat.
  • Are rare to find in a flawless sample.
  • Cause a huge stir in the jewelry industry when one goes to auction.

How much is a pearl worth?

The value of a pearl can vary dramatically depending on many factors, such as its type, size, color, surface quality, and more. A wild pearl will be worth more than a cultured pearl. However, on average, a pearl’s value ranges from $300 to $1500.

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