Question: How does repel work in Pokémon Gold?

How long does a repel last?

How long does Repel last? Repel generally lasts 4-6 weeks.

Why do repels not work Pokémon?

The repel will not work in these cases: If your Pokemon is a lower level than the level of the opponent or possibly in my theory the average level of the area the repel will be rendered null. Also a repel will be rendered null in the case you walk into a rustling, dusty, rippling square of the game.

What does Super Repel do?

A Super Repel is an item that keeps away Pokémon weaker than the player’s for 200 steps.

Are super repels better?

The Super Repel is the most cost effective as far a step-to-price ratio goes, as you get 200 steps for 500 dollars, which is . 4 steps per dollar. The Max Repel is 250 for 700, only . 357 steps per dollar, but it grants you the luxury of not having to use it as often.

Why is DEET banned?

They are also proposing that such products be banned. DEET-related health problems include skin rashes and scarring in adults and, in a few cases, reports of neurological problems in children. A ban would affect products that are more than 30 percent DEET. New York is the first state to propose such a ban.

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Why is DEET bad?

Most cases of serious side effects caused by DEET involve long-term, heavy, frequent or whole-body application of the repellent. But for some people, DEET can lead to adverse skin reactions, seizures and brain malfunction, fatigue, respiratory conditions and possibly even cancer.

Do repels work in caves?

Is that matter? Yes. Pokémon in Cerulean Cave can have higher levels than that. Repels do not work on wild Pokémon with levels higher than that of the first Pokémon in your party.

Does repel work on shaking grass?

Does Using a Repel Prevent Shaking Grass? No, using a Repel does NOT prevent shaking grass.

Where do you get super repel in fire red?


Celadon City Dept. Store
Second Floor
Revive 1500
Repel 350
Super Repel 500
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