Question: Do kids like Pokemon sword and shield?

What age is Pokemon sword good for?

For example, the eye-catching Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield are suitable for children of any age according to the ESRB, despite containing cartoon violence. But in Europe and Russia, it is considered wholly inappropriate for very young eyes, receiving a 7 rating under PEGI and 6+ under RARS.

Is Pokemon a childish game?

Pokémon Sword & Shield is made for kids, and fully grown adults getting heated about decisions made to appeal to kids comes off as childish. … Something everyone can agree on is that Pokémon at the very least began as a game intended to be played almost exclusively by children.

The Worldwide Popularity of Pokemon

Kids of all ages and even adults are known to enjoy the show till now. Today, you can even get various Pokemon based games on the market. Several gaming companies are known to manufacture various types of Pokemon based games.

How old are sword and shield characters?

I’d say probably around 13-14. 10-11 seems too young to participate in a nationwide sporting event. They’re also considerably tall, and I highly doubt any 10-11 year old is that tall. For reference, the player character stands several inches shorter than most adult males in the game.

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Is Pokémon sword a boy?

Pokémon Sword & Shield may be very kid-friendly games but they’re also great for grown-ups, too. … They cater well to adult fans as well as children.

Is Pokémon hard to play?

Although Pokémon has built a reputation for its easy difficulty, previous Generations actually made it a point to offer a serious challenge. The fact of the matter is that Pokémon is simply not a challenging franchise.

Is Pokemon bad for your brain?

Don’t worry, it’s not at all harmful to children or adult brains. This doesn’t just apply to Pokémon. … The researchers tackled these mysteries in a paper published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, which revealed that adults who played Pokémon as children developed a new region for the characters of the game.

Can a 10 year old watch Pokemon?

Most children under age 10 do not own their own smartphone, and therefore they need a parent’s help to have access to this type of game—that’s a good thing!

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