Is substitute good Pokemon?

What is the point of substitute Pokémon?

Substitute creates a small copy of your Pokémon. Creating a substitute removes 25% of your Pokémon’s original HP; the sub can suffer exactly that many points of damage before it breaks. Once it is created, and until it breaks, all damaging attacks on your Pokémon hit the sub instead.

Does substitute have priority?

Nope, Substitute doesn’t have any priority, which is a very good thing. This allows a slow Pokemon to use it, then use Focus Punch the next turn without fear of nothing happening.

How many hits can a substitute take Pokémon?

Effect. The substitute is created at the cost of 25% of the user’s HP and will take all or most of the incoming damage from the opposing Pokémon until it breaks. A substitute cannot be created if your Pokémon’s health is less than 25% of its maximum HP. A one-hit KO attack will always break a substitute if it hits.

How many turns does substitute last?

The Substitute also blocks the trapping effect for 2-5 turns. Substitute will block full-trapping moves (Block, Mean Look and Spider Web). If a Pokémon with a Substitute hurts itself in confusion, the damage goes to the Pokemon, not to the Substitute.

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Is taunt a priority move?

Taunt (Japanese: ちょうはつ Taunt) is a non-damaging Dark-type move introduced in Generation III.

Taunt (move)

Type Dark
Accuracy 100%
Priority {{{priority}}}

What is the fastest Pokemon move?

Generation VI

Priority Moves
+2 Extreme Speed, Feint, Follow Me, Rage Powder
+1 Ally Switch, Aqua Jet, Baby-Doll Eyes, Bide, Bullet Punch, Ice Shard, Ion Deluge, Mach Punch, Powder, Quick Attack, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Vacuum Wave, Water Shuriken
All other moves, shifting
-1 Vital Throw

Does Fake Out go before prankster?

1 Answer. Fake out has +3 priority compared to Prankster which only gives +1.

Does trick work through substitute?

Trick fails if: Neither Pokémon has a held item. … Either Pokémon is holding Griseous Orb. The target is behind a substitute.

Does yawn go through substitute?

No, Yawn does not effect Pokemon with a Substitute. However, if Yawn is used before the target uses Substitute, the substitute they create will not negate drowsiness, so the target will fall asleep the following turn as normal.

Where is the substitute TM sword?

TR20 Substitute – Purchased for 3,000 Watts from the trader in Dappled Grove. TR23 Spikes – Purchased for 2,000 Watts from the trader in Giant’s Seat.

What is Garchomp hidden ability?

1. Sand Veil. Rough Skin (hidden ability)

How many times can you use nasty plot?

Nasty Plot raises the user’s Special Attack by two stages. Stats can be raised to a maximum of +6 stages each.

What is Togekiss hidden ability?

2. Serene Grace. Super Luck (hidden ability)

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