Is Pokemon Quest a real Pokemon game?

Is it illegal to make a Pokemon game?

You simply cannon’t use Pokemon legally without the permission of Nintendo (at least in terms of making a game/product). Derivation also comes into play when you are talking about source. For example, If you want to make a movie or game about Snow White there are not copyright issues there.

What is the best team for Pokemon Quest?

6 Best Pokémon in ‘Pokémon Quest’ for the End-Game Team, With Recipes

  1. Dragonite.
  2. Rhydon. …
  3. Golem. …
  4. Alakazam. …
  5. Venusaur. The OG Grass starter might’ve been the least popular starter back in the day, but in Pokémon Quest, Bulbasaur is a solid choice first-thing. …
  6. Charizard. This one should come as no surprise. …

Is Pokemon Quest offline?

Do you need an internet connection in order to play? Neither the mobile version or the Switch version will need an internet connection to play.

Is playing a fan game Illegal?

So no, without consent, making a fan game is not, generally speaking, legal. … “Fans who wish to make fan games can approach the owner of the original and request a licence,” Tutty says. “The benefit of this is that a company has control over third party use of its material and generates a revenue from it.

Any use of Pokemon Planet other than for private, non-commercial use is prohibited. You acknowledge you will not use Pokemon Planet for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms.

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Will there ever be a Pokémon game for PS4?

There is no Pokemon Unite PS5 or PS4 release date at this time. … Pokemon is one of the biggest — if not the biggest — Nintendo exclusive franchises, so the Japanese company is likely reluctant to share it with competitors.

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