Is Pidgeot good Pokémon go?

Is Staraptor better than Pidgeot?

Is Staraptor better than Pidgeot? … So as you can see, Staraptor is better on the offensive. It has a massive 120 attack stat to pair with powerful moves such as STAB Brave Bird and Double-Edge and Close Combat. It’s ability Reckless even boosts Brave Bird and Double-Edge to higher levels of power.

Is Pidgeot good Pokemon go Reddit?

The pidgeot is definitely worth the storage space though. pidgeottos are pretty low CP pokemon with mostly bad attacks. No single decent charge move, so wing attack or steel wing spam. Getting more than 3-4 kills with them against a decently stacked gym is quite the task.

Is Pidgeot still banned?

Pidgeot has been disabled in Pokémon GO Battle League, the mobile game’s PvP mode, developer Niantic announced this morning. The developer says it is investigating “ongoing issues” with the Pokémon, however it maintains that the ban is temporary.

Why is Staraptor so good?

It’s an amazing wall breaker, it’s blessed with 2 very good abilities, a very good attack stat and a nice base speed. However, a lot of problem stuck with Staraptor ; it has paper defenses and can easily be revenge kill by a scarfer or with a priority moves.

Who is better Swellow or Staraptor?

Staraptor has high speed and attack, making it a good sweeper. Swellow has higher speed, but less attack, so it may be good as a sweeper, but probably not better than Staraptor stat-wise.

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