Is High HP important in Pokemon go?

Does HP really matter in Pokemon go?

The higher the IV stat, the better the Pokémon’s Attack, Defence or HP will be.

Is HP important in Pokemon go?

When you use your Pokémon in a battle against other players — say, when you’re attacking or defending a gym — any damage done to your Pokémon subtracts from the Pokémon’s total number of Hit Points. So HP is kind of like a measure of your Pokémon’s stamina and health.

Is HP or attack more important in Pokemon go?

In Pokémon go, Attack is valued more highly than Defense and HP, and contributes more to CP.

Should I evolve higher CP or HP?

Like evolving, powering up increases the HP and CP of your Pokémon, but at a slower rate. The more you increase a Pokémon’s CP, the more Stardust you will need to upgrade it. In general, Pokémon with higher CP will beat Pokémon with lower CP in battle, but that isn’t always the case, thanks to its underlying stats.

Which is better hp or defense?

In general, Defense is probably more important than HP, so if they’re about even and you have to make a judgment call, err on the side of stacking defensive EVs instead of HP EVs. Really, if you’re going for a real wall, get both. EV train HP and Defense for best results.

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What is more important HP or CP?

HP is a function of level with an additive bonus of the pokemon IV in the HP section. CP is the cumulative number that includes level, attack, defense, and hp. The higher the level the higher the CP, the higher the HP.

Is it better to evolve higher CP or IV?

IV corresponds to max CP. So if you evolve the eevee with higher CP then it will also have higher CP post evolution, but it’s maximum CP will be lower. If you plan on pumping lots of stardust/candies into this pokemon then you should choose the higher IV with the higher max.

Why is zero attack IV?

A Pokemon with a 0% Attack IV sounds like it’d be incredibly weak, but IVs are added onto a “base stat” for attack that’s shared with all Pokemon of their type.

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