How much does iv affect stats Pokemon go?

How much does iv affect stats Pokemon?

2 Answers. At Level 100, 1 IV boosts a stat by 1 Point. At Level 50, this is 2 IVs for 1 Point. This means a Pokemon’s stat can go up from a value of 283 with 0 IVs to 314 with 31 IVs.

Do iv stats matter in Pokemon go?

The higher a Pokémon’s Base Stats, the less of an effect its IVs will have on its overall damage output in battle (More on this later). … IVs cannot currently be modified or influenced, but the higher they are, the more potential the Pokémon has in battle than other Pokémon of the same species.

How much do IVs add to stats?

That’s because the Individual Values of the Machoke – basically its genes – are considerably stronger than those of the Dragonite. In Pokémon Go, IVs are given a value out of 15 for each stat, so a spread of 15/15/15 across Attack, Defence, and Stamina would be considered perfect IVs.

What’s more important CP or IV?

As explained by RustyMembers the IV is by far more important than the CP of a Pokemon. But actually equally or sometimes even more important is the Moveset of a Pokemon. A Pokemon with the best moveset dps wise but with lower IV will perform better than a similar one with a different moveset but higher IV %.

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Can you change a Pokémon’s IV?

First off, IVs (or Individual Values) are stats that the Pokémon are “born” with. They cannot be changed, with the exception of Hyper Training. … This mainly matters for competitive battling and relies heavily on catching raid Pokémon and breeding.

Should I evolve higher CP or IV?

IV corresponds to max CP. So if you evolve the eevee with higher CP then it will also have higher CP post evolution, but it’s maximum CP will be lower. If you plan on pumping lots of stardust/candies into this pokemon then you should choose the higher IV with the higher max.

Does IVs affect stats?

IVs, or Individual Values, help determines a Pokémon’s stats. A Pokémon with high attack IVs will end up doing more damage than a Pokémon with lower attack IVs, even if they’re the same level. EVs, or Effort Values, are bonus stats that your Pokémon will gain from defeating specific types of Pokémon.

Do IVs Change Base stats?

Each Pokémon has three stats (Attack, Defense, and Stamina, referred to as Individual Values [IVs]) that are added to the base stats of the species. IVs range from 0-15 for each single stat and are individually assigned to each Pokémon. When a Pokémon is traded, its IVs are randomly changed.

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