How many HMs are in Pokemon Black?

What HMs do you need for black and white?

5 Answers. The only HM you need to complete the main storyline of Black and White is cut, and this is a one-time event (you need to Cut a tree down in the Dreamyard to progress the storyline). Because of this, other HM moves only allow access to hidden items or for convenience.

How many Pokemon does Black have?

Black and White bring a total of 156 new Pokémon, higher than any other generation, bringing the overall total to 649 from the 493 present in Generation IV.

Are there HMs in Pokemon Black 2?

Technical Machines (TMs) and Hidden Machines (HMs) are items found throughout the Pokemon world which allows you to teach certain Moves to certain Pokemon. Not all Pokemon can learn all TMs or HMs. … Here’s the list of the TMs and HMs found in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2.

What is the rarest Pokemon in Black?

Rare and Unique Pokemon

  • Zen Mode Darmanitan. Location in Black and White: Desert Resort/Relic Castle. …
  • Volcarona and Larvesta. …
  • Dreamyard Basemement Musharna. …
  • Pansear, Panpour, Pansage. …
  • Magikarp. …
  • Tirtouga, Archen. …
  • Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos, Shieldon. …
  • Musharna (With Telepathy)
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Do you need waterfall Black 2?

You need Strength. Surf, Waterfall are needed for optional areas, and while it’s not really an HM, Flash is helpful for some optional areas.

Is waterfall required in Black 2?

Clearly, since it’s so late in the game, you’ll have skipped over some areas in the game that you couldn’t access without Waterfall. So once you have Waterfall, you may wish to head back to these locations and access the areas that required it.

Why is Pokemon bw2 so expensive?

The level of demand has far exceeded the supply for Pokémon games on the Nintendo DS. As such, the gap in the market has been filled by reproduction cartridges, which can be purchased cheaply on eBay.

Is Pokemon white better than black?

A character in the city will want to be shown a Pokemon with the move Charge. … Those are the major differences in Pokemon Black and White. White should be considered the best choice, seeing as it has more Pokemon available.

Are TMs reusable in black?

You can now use them infinite times, but in exchange the price of TMs has increased considerably in shops but they are now reusable like HMs. Prior to Generation V, TMs are single-use items that are consumed after use, in contrast to Hidden Machines (HMs) which are not consumed.

Can Archeops learn fly?

It is capable of flying, but is more adept at running, taking a running start to take flight with its weak wing muscles. To achieve flight, Archeops must run nearly 25 mph by building up a speed of 2.5 miles. Archeops can hunt more efficiently when on the ground.

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Can Samurott learn earthquake?

This is the first water starter that cannot learn Earthquake.

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