How far is a km in Pokemon Go?

How far is 2km in Pokemon go?

Pokémon GO Egg Types and Where to Get Them

2km (with green spots) 5km (orange spots) 7km (yellow with pink spots) 10km (purple spots) –

How long does it take to walk 5 km in Pokemon go?

Players taking a casual stroll around the neighborhood can expect to hatch a 2-kilometer egg in 20 to 25 minutes. Hatching a 5-kilometer egg requires about an hour on foot, while a 10-kilometer egg demands almost two hours of walking.

Can you change Pokemon Go km to Miles?

If you haven’t gotten around to Googling it yet, there’s . 62 miles in a kilometer, making two kilometers equivalent to 1.2 miles and five kilometers to 3.1 miles. There’s no way to switch units from metric in the app, so Pokémon Go players may want to commit those numbers to memory.

What does a 7km egg give you?

Here are the Pokémon that can be hatched from 7km eggs as of October 2020: Alolan Geodude. Alolan Grimer. Alolan Diglett.

Does shaking your phone hatch eggs?

Make sure you shake the phone up and down and do it at the pace of a jog. According to one of our followers, you can shake the phone in any direction as long as you’re going back and forth.

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How many steps is 1 km?

On average, there are 1265-1515 steps in a kilometer.

Simply put, your step length is the distance you move with each step. An average step length is 0.79 m (2.6 ft) for men and 0.66 (2.2 ft) for women (Source).

How can I get 10 km eggs?

If you walk 50 KM in a week, you will be rewarded with a 10 KM Egg.

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