How do you use the Itemfinder in Pokemon Crystal?

How do you use the Itemfinder in Pokemon?

Press “Start” to access the Menu screen. Scroll through your available items and select the item finder. Press “A” to confirm your selection. The item finder will automatically look for hidden items on the screen.

How do I use gold Itemfinder?

2 Answers. Just press A facing the item you want to pick up. Its that easy.

Where is the hidden item in the burned tower?


Item Location
Burn Heal 1F; dead end at the northeastern corner (requires Rock Smash)
HP Up 1F; dead end at the northeastern corner (requires Rock Smash)
Ether 1F; in the small indent at the dead end in the center of the room (requires Rock SmashGS) (hidden)
X Speed 1F; in the center area (requires Rock Smash)

What are the HMS in Pokemon Crystal?

Hidden Machines

HM# Technique Location
HM03 Surf Get from Ecruteak Dance Theater owner after defeating all Kimono Girls
HM04 Strength Talk to Sailor in house next to Pokémon Center in Olivine City
HM05 Flash Get from head Sage atop Sprout Tower
HM06 Whirlpool Get from Lance in Team Rocket’s Hideout in Mahogany Town
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How does the Itemfinder work?

An Itemfinder is an item that is used to locate hidden PokéLoot chests. When used (right-clicked while in hand), it will show the direction of the nearest hidden PokéLoot chest if there is one within range. The maximum distance that can be detected is 35 blocks away.

Where are the hidden items in Pokemon Sapphire?

Use the Itemfinder in a particular area which looks suspicious of having such a hidden obeject in its midst. If there is an item, in a square radius around your character, the Itemfinder will beep a couple of times with a heart-warming tone indicating there is a hidden item. ITEMFINDER indicates there’s a hidden item!

How do you get Itemfinder?

Go to route 11 between Vermilion city and Lavender town, now go upstairs and ask one of the Professor Oak’s aides, and he will give you the Item Finder. This only works if you have caught 30 or more Pokemon.

Where is the hidden item in Cerulean City?

Once that nasty business is taken care of, talk to the boy in the northwest corner of town to find out about a hidden item. Use Surf and your own Item Finder to discover the Berserk Gene. Misty still isn’t in the gym though. To find her, you will need to make your way north through Routes 24 and 25.

How do I get Mewtwo in Pokemon Crystal?

It doesn’t take too much effort to bring this old-school juggernaut into a new era of Pokémon adventures. Capture Mewtwo at the end of Cerulean Cave after defeating the Elite Four in either “Pokémon Red,” “Pokémon Blue” or “Pokémon Yellow.” Connect two Game Boy systems with a Game Link Cable.

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Can Zubat learn fly in Crystal?

Zubat does not learn any HMs in Pokémon Crystal.

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