How do I know which Pokémon to transfer?

Which Pokemon are not worth keeping?

When it comes to these monsters, you are better off saving your time, your energy, and your Pokéballs.

  • 8 Luvdisc.
  • 9 Sunkern. …
  • 10 Delibird. …
  • 11 Farfetch’d. via …
  • 12 Hoppip. via: …
  • 13 Plusle & Minun. via …
  • 14 Slaking. via …
  • 15 Zubat. via: …

Should I transfer all my low CP Pokemon?

Yes, I recommend always transferring low-level Pokemon except for the following cases: You only have one of that Pokemon. I like to have one of each so I can have a “living Pokedex” You have enough candies to evolve that Pokemon (even when you evolve starting from high-CP).

Should I transfer all Pokemon duplicates?

Transfer Your Pokémon

While catching duplicates is helpful, you should get rid of them afterwards in order to save precious storage space.

Can you evolve Kadabra without trading?

You can’t, for the exact reasons you stated. While it would be possible if one of the ingame traders was willing to trade one, according to the Bulbapedia ingame trade list there is no such trader.

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Should I evolve Pokémon before transferring them?

Evolve to raise your trainer level

Many common Pokémon will just be readily available and pile up in your Pokémon box until you transfer them away. These Pokémon aren’t useless, though — you’ll want to keep evolving them when you get enough candies, even if you immediately transfer them right afterward.

What’s the ugliest Pokemon?

These are the top 10 ugliest Pokémon of all time.

  • Galarian Mr. Mime.
  • Forretress. Image via Game Freak. …
  • Ambipom. Image via Game Freak. …
  • Conkeldurr. Image via Game Freak. …
  • Nosepass. Image via Game Freak. …
  • Dracovish. Image via Game Freak. …
  • Crawdaunt. Image via Game Freak. …
  • Carbink. Image via Game Freak. …

Should I get rid of low CP Pokemon?

CP stands for combat power — the higher the CP, the stronger the Pokémon will be in battle. In general, you want to trade away your low-value Pokémon so you can build up your stronger ones. … You can only use the candy you receive for transferring a Pokémon on another of the same type.

Can I reduce the CP of a Pokemon?

While the Pokemon Go Battle Leagues CP restrictions are pretty tight, it seems that there is a way to potentially reduce a Pokemon’s CP. … If you’ve got a Pokemon that’s just over the CP cap—say, 1520 CP—you could potentially cause it to drop 20+ CP, allowing you to use it in the Great League.

Is it good to transfer Pokemon to the professor?

You receive 1 candy per pokemon transferred, regardless of the pokemon’s level of evolution or CP. … Transfering to the Professor is a way of permanently removing a Pokemon from your inventory. In exchange for a transfer, the Professor will give you some Candies, that can be used to power up and evolve a Pokemon.

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Is it bad to transfer Pokémon?

Transferring is nothing to be afraid of, so long as you transfer wisely. If anything, it can be a beneficial to your cache of Pokemon while helping you to become a master at “Pokemon Go.” So, do not fear these next-level moves, dear “Pokemon Go” player. They will turn you into a formidable player soon enough.

Do you lose candy if you transfer all Pokémon?

Yes you do. All candies you have are stored kinda invisibly on your character and the only way to see them is by selecting a Pokemon of the evolution chain. If you get rid of all of the Pokemon in that chain you will keep the candies but be unable to see them until you catch another of that chain.

Is it better to evolve or power up first?

Should you evolve first, or power up first? Evolve first, power up second. It’s tempting to power up first, because instant gratification is instant, but it’ll cost you less Stardust in the long run to evolve and the strategically power up only your best or favorite Pokémon.

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