Frequent question: How successful is the Pokemon anime?

Is Pokemon journeys a success?

In terms of the anime series, this might be one of the best eras of Pokémon in a long time because Pokémon Journeys: The Series caters to OG Pokémon fanatics as well as new and younger fans in the best possible way. Pokémon is the most successful media franchise of all time.

The anime is one of the most widespread forms of Pokemon media outside the games. But the manga has even more to offer longtime fans. Pokemon has many different adaptations, with one of the most popular being the anime.

Is Giovanni Ash’s dad?

More specifically, that Team Rocket’s President Giovanni is actually Ash’s father, and that he hired the bumbling trio of Jessie, James, and Meowth, to perpetually fail to “steal Pikachu” in an indirect attempt to keep watch over his son. … Then there’s the matter of the classic Team Rocket Trio.

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