Do people still love Pokemon?

Is it normal for adults to like Pokemon?

The main thing that draws adults back into the world of Pokémon is nostalgia. As the generation who played the original Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow games get older and remember the good old days as a Pokémon trainer, they may be tempted to pick up one of the newer incarnations of the series for the sake of nostalgia.

Are you too old to play Pokemon?

You can never be too old for Pokemon. It may be a series designed for kids but the beauty of Pokemon has always been that there are a thousand different styles to play it. Some are collecting some are just battling, kids may screw around with their friends.

Why do I still love Pokemon?

I’m still a fan of Pokemon to this day simply because the games are fun, and as a franchise, Pokemon is excellent. It’s not even for nostalgia, I’m loving it in the present. I’d say what I enjoy most is having a party and playing through the story. The bond is nice and it’s fun to raise Pokemon you like.

Why do so many people like Pokemon?

A major aspect that has caused Pokemon to stay popular is its development into competitive gameplay. While “back in the day” you could battle your friends or play the card game competitively, there weren’t the huge competitions that there are now.

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Is it childish to play Pokemon?

Pokémon Sword & Shield is made for kids, and fully grown adults getting heated about decisions made to appeal to kids comes off as childish. … Something everyone can agree on is that Pokémon at the very least began as a game intended to be played almost exclusively by children.

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