Can you use two of the same Pokémon in PvP Pokemon go?

Should I keep multiple of the same Pokémon?

The first and simplest reason to “catch ’em all” is that you need multiples in order to evolve a Pokemon into its more powerful form. … The game-focused blog Kotaku points out that having a bunch of low level Pokemon of the same variety can also help you level up faster as a trainer.

Can you have two of the same Pokémon?

In Gen 2, Mahogany City Gym Leader, Pryce, has a Seel and a Dewgong in his team [insert Staryu/ Starmie reasoning]- having Dewgong apart from Seel in his team, means he had 2 Seel at one point. Long story short, Yes, you can have more than one of the same pokemon in a gym.

How many times can you switch Pokémon in PVP?

If you find yourself in a bad matchup, you can use this to change out your current Pokémon for one that might do better. But beware: you can only swap once every 60 seconds, so if you swap first, your opponent can take advantage and swap in something of their own, locking you in against that threat.

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What is the strongest Pokémon for PVP?

The best Great League Pokémon by total stats

Rank Pokémon Name Level
1 Chansey 40
2 Blissey 19
3 Wobbuffet 40
4 Bastiodon* 38

Should I transfer all pokemon duplicates?

Transfer Your Pokémon

While catching duplicates is helpful, you should get rid of them afterwards in order to save precious storage space.

What happens if you catch a pokemon you already have?

Catching Duplicate Pokémon Is Not A Waste

If you’ve downloaded the app, you may have already run into handfuls of Pidgeys, Rattatas, and Caterpies. Meanwhile, you have yet to capture a Pikachu, Dratini, or Magnemite. … Every time you catch one, you get three candies for that specific Pokémon and 100 points of stardust.

Can you use duplicate Pokemon cards?

In order to make this possible, the deck’s contents are fixed. This means each theme deck with the same name contains the same 60 cards. This also means it is necessary to provide multiple copies of certain Pokémon, Trainer, and Energy cards, so the deck can be used for play right out of the box.

Is it better to evolve or power up first?

Should you evolve first, or power up first? Evolve first, power up second. It’s tempting to power up first, because instant gratification is instant, but it’ll cost you less Stardust in the long run to evolve and the strategically power up only your best or favorite Pokémon.

When should I change Pokémon PvP?

Switch. If you think you know what they’re going to switch in, and you’ve got a strong response (or their Pokémon absolutely destroys yours, such as Toxicroak vs Confusion or Quagsire vs Razor Leaf), you can blindly switch.

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Is there stab in Pokémon go PvP?

STAB multiplier has the same value like the rest of the game (1.2x), but it’s interesting that Niantic has a separate STAB setting for PvP.

How many trainer battles can you do a day?

Normally you can participate in five sets of five GO Battle League battles each day. Participating in as many battles as possible each day is a great way to learn and to earn rewards, like Stardust and TMs, that will help you prepare your Pokémon for future battles.

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