Can you transfer a buddy in Pokemon go?

Do you lose Buddy progress if you switch Pokemon go?

When you switch to a new buddy, you only have to swap the third guy in your master team. The only thing you lose is your buddy’s satiation, not even your daily walking progress.

What happens if you transfer a buddy Pokémon?

As you catch more Pokémon, you may transfer some of them to Professor Willow to free up your Pokémon storage. You’ll receive Candy in exchange for transferring a Pokémon, but be careful: you can’t get Pokémon back after you’ve transferred them.

Is there a way to make a Pokémon stop being your buddy so you can transfer it buddy in Pokemon go?

At the moment, it appears that once you select a buddy Pokemon, there is no way to go back to having no buddy at all. However, you can very easily swap out the Pokemon for a different buddy. … Choose the Pokemon you want to have as your new buddy.

How often does your buddy bring gifts?

Your Buddy Pokémon will now bring you more Gifts each day, up to five gifts at once and up to three times a day.

Should I transfer all Pokémon duplicates?

Transfer Your Pokémon

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While catching duplicates is helpful, you should get rid of them afterwards in order to save precious storage space.

What is the best Pokémon buddy to have?

The top five most used buddy Pokémon are Magikarp, Gyarados, Noibat, Mewtwo, and Eevee. Of these Pokémon, Noibat is the most recent to be released, and it overtook both Magikarp and Gyarados despite those Pokémon both being in the game at launch.

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