Can you Elite TM Shadow Mewtwo?

Should I use an elite charged TM on Shadow Mewtwo?

Shadow Ball is one of the two best move choices on Mewtwo, meaning it’s definitely worth using an Elite Charged TM for. Getting the best move on one of the strongest Pokémon in the game is a good way to use an Elite TM. Community Day moves like Blast Burn or Hydro Cannon could also be a good use of Elite TM.

What is the best elite charged TM for Shadow Mewtwo?

Hyper Beam is definitely Shadow Mewtwo’s worst charge move and one of the best uses of a Charged TM.

Why can’t I use TM on Shadow Mewtwo?

When you catch a Shadow Pokémon from Team GO Rocket, they always have the Charged Attack of Frustration. It is not a desirable move and essentially makes the creature temporarily useless because, outside of very limited events, Charged TMs do not work to remove this move as with normal Pokémon. It’s locked.

Should I use Elite TM on Mewtwo?

#1 – Mewtwo

Mewtwo is currently the #1 Pokemon to use an Elite charged TM on. … Mewtwo has two potential options that a player can take advantage of when it comes to which attack the mon should learn. Psystrike and Shadowball are the two choices that will make the biggest difference in battle.

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Should you purify Shadow Mewtwo?

Players should not purify Shadow Mewtwo. Though it’s likely tempting to instantly get a high-CP Mewtwo without much effort, Shadow Mewtwo’s damage output is significantly higher than a regular Mewtwo because of how the Shadow Pokemon mechanics work in the game.

Should I purify Shadow moltres?

May wraps up the Giovanni legendary birds quests with Shadow Moltres. Players should not purify their shadow legendaries and keep them as is. Shadow Pokemon are some of the most effective in raids and in sections of Go Battle League.

Can you TM Mewtwo for Psystrike?

The good news is that Mewtwo can still learn Psystrike, but the bad news is that it can only happen through using an Elite TM. Psystrike is known as a legacy move. This refers to an attack that a Pokemon once learned (usually through an event) but can no longer access.

Are Shadow Pokémon stronger?

Shadow Pokemon take more damage than their standard or purified counterparts. Their defense is multiplied by 0.8333. Though this may seem negligible depending on the Pokemon, it can also cause more vulnerable battlers into more of a glass cannon than usual.

Is Shadow Mewtwo worth powering up?

Shadow Psystrike Mewtwo is almost as powerful as a weather boosted regular Psystrike Mewtwo. … Of course, a 10/10/10 (the minimum you could possibly get) is much better than a 0/0/0, so even if you were extremely unlucky with the IVs of your Shadow Mewtwo do not worry and power it up anyway, you won’t regret it!

Why can TM Frustration?

Frustration is a Charged Attack that all Shadow Pokémon know when they’re caught. … Frustration cannot be unlearned with a TM until you’ve purified the Shadow Pokémon, except during special events.

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