Best answer: Why can’t I get Smeargle in Pokémon GO?

Can I still get Smeargle in Pokémon GO?

It was clear that Niantic had something special in mind for Smeargle’s release – and Smeargle can now be caught using the GO Snapshot mode.

How do you trigger Smeargle?

Here are the steps you need to take to catch a Pokemon Go Smeargle: Navigate to your items and select the Camera followed by any Pokemon, or pick the Pokemon of your choosing then select the camera icon in the top right corner. Take a picture of your chosen Pokemon, then exit the Camera mode.

Is Smeargle worth keeping?

First of all, it’s worth saying that Smeargle is a pretty basic normal-type Pokemon with pretty standard-issue stats. … Because it can copy any moves, you can also kit this Pokemon out with one of the best raid movesets for DPS: Pound and Hydro Cannon.

Is Smeargle rare?

It is a relatively rare occurrence so you may need some patience to make it happen. Lucky for us, we found our first Smeargle on our seventh photo. Once you’ve found it, exit out of Snapshot to the main overworld and Smeargle will appear there. You can then select it and catch it.

Why is Smeargle not appearing?

If Smeargle does not appear, then you must reopen the Snapshot mode and try again until it does. To our knowledge the Pokémon you use and the amount of photos you take doesn’t influence when Smeargle will appear, so take as many or as few photos at a time before backing out of the mode and cycling through your snaps.

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What animal is Smeargle based on?

Smeargle is a Normal-type Pokémon species which resembles a bipedal canine. Its tail ends in a brush-like tip which secretes a colorful fluid, giving it the nickname “Painter Pokémon”.

Body type Canine/Humanoid
Average height 1.2 m
Average weight 58 kg
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