Best answer: What’s better Yugi or Pokemon?

Is Yugioh a ripoff of Pokémon?

Yes, we know that Yu-Gi-Oh! was released right around the same time as Pokémon. So, why does it fall on this list? While the early chapters of the manga were original, and don’t resemble Pokémon, after the huge success of that franchise, the creators decided to morph it into one of the first Pokémon rip-offs.

Yugioh is still crazy popular, seemingly even more-so than Magic, Pokemon, or whatever. There are constantly Yugioh tournaments going on at a local comic store.

What is the rarest Yugioh card in the world?

Rarest and most expensive Yu-Gi-Oh! cards

  • Dark Magician Girl.
  • Red-Eyes B. Dragon.
  • Doomcaliber Knight.
  • Cyber-Stein.
  • Card Crush Virus.
  • Dark Magician.
  • Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
  • Tyler, the Great Warrior.

Why is Yugioh expensive?

The classic cards are expensive due to the fact that there are only a few cards that are still in good shape. The limited edition and promotional cards are expensive due to the very short supply against a high demand.

Is prodigy a copy of Pokémon?

Shivertusk (prodigy) looks a lot like Piloswine (Pokemon) I would say that some of the prodigy pets are inspired by Pokemon. … It seems like Prodigy was inspired by “Shiny” Pokemon. So, yeah! But Prodigy is quite different itself, but just inspired.

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Is Yu-Gi-Oh dying?

Yu-Gi-Oh will survive probably for next 50/70 years at least. It is gold mine for Konami, and even if Konami would bankrupt some way, someone else would took rights to print cards. It is worth too much money to let it die.

Does anyone still play Yu-Gi-Oh?

Is Yu-Gi-Oh still around? First off, you may be wondering if Yu-Gi-Oh is still a thing in 2018. To that I say: Yes, very much so. It isn’t as big of a community as magic or Pokemon, but there are still new releases, and there are some interesting developments in terms of apps and augmented reality.

Yugioh is biggest grossing and most players, just not as big in north america as magic has a more established base. Guinness World Records says Yugioh is the most popular card game in the world. Magic probably more popular in NA but worldwide Yugioh is more popular.

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