Best answer: What level Pokémon can I catch with 4 badges?

How do you tell what level Pokémon you can catch?

In Pokémon Sword and Shield, players can’t catch any Pokémon higher than their current level. The only way to increase the level cap is by defeating a gym.

When can you catch level 60 Pokémon?

At first, it seems like you shouldn’t be there as all of the wild Pokémon are around level 60. Because the levels of Pokémon don’t scale to meet the player in The Crown Tundra, you can’t catch them until you have all of the gym badges. Shortly thereafter, you’ll meet Peony and will have to fight him.

What level Pokemon can I catch with 7 badges?

Seventh Badge: Up to level 55. Eighth Badge: Up to level 100.

What is the highest level Pokémon you can catch?

1 Answer. Technically, the highest level Pokemon are gen 1 glitch Pokemon that go far over level 100. But for non-glitch Pokemon, the highest ones catchable are Magikarp and Gyaados.

Why is every Pokemon Level 60?

Pokemon in the Wild Area range in level when starting out, so players can encounter Pokemon that are significantly higher than the player. As players complete the game, Wild Area Pokemon will be boosted up to Level 60 – for better or for worse.

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