Best answer: How does Pokestop scan work?

How long does it take for a PokeStop to be approved?

8. Review by Community. When you have completed your nomination, you’ll receive a confirmation email and it will be sent for review by our community of nomination reviewers. We strive to process your nomination as soon as possible but, depending on the level of review needed, it may take several weeks or months.

What happens if you spin a PokeStop 7 days in a row?

If you visit any PokéStop every day for 7 days in a row, you will earn a bonus of 2500 XP and an even larger amount of extra items. A day is defined as a day of the week, midnight to midnight in your local time.

Why can I not scan a Pokestop?

Eligibility. This feature is currently only available for Trainers playing with supported devices who’ve reached level 20. PokéStop Scanning is also unavailable for Trainers with child accounts. PokéStop Scanning option won’t be selectable in your app if you are ineligible to use the feature.

Can I make my house a Pokestop?

Unfortunately, nominations for PokéStops cannot be accepted for any private residences, so it is not possible to have a PokéStop at your home.

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Do all PokeStops unlock at level 20?

PokéStop Scan feature now available to all level 20 Trainers and up in Pokémon GO.

What to do if there are no PokeStops near you?

Once you’re at the request page, all you need to do is put in your email address, write out your request, and then select “No PokeStops or Gyms Near Me” in the “Reason” drop down menu. You should probably also give your location to Niantic if you want it to add a Pokestop or Gym near you.

Can a Pokestop become a gym?

In the past, the criterion for a pokestop to become a gym was either to be the oldest pokestop or to be the most popular pokestop. … The “Monumento da Divina Misericórdia” wayspot, which is located at coordinates <-19.519409, -42.61982>, became a gym, when there were even better candidates in cell S14.

What makes a high quality PokeStop?

What makes a high-quality PokéStop nomination? To make the most of each nomination, be sure to submit high-quality nominations that have a good chance of being eligible. These categories are considered an eligible candidate for a PokéStop: A location with a cool story, a place in history or educational value.

How are Pokestops chosen?

One player nominates a location, submitting a photo of the location and answering a handful of questions to help determine eligibility. Other high-level players will review these submissions, helping to filter out the ones that are inaccurate, offensive or just not right for the game.

Do Pokestops give you stardust?

The simplest way to get Stardust remains — surprise! — catching Pokémon in the wild. For every Pokémon you catch, you’ll get: 100 Stardust per base-level Pokémon caught.

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How much XP do Pokestops give?

Pokemon Go Players from the U.S. to Earn up to 6,200 XP for Spinning a New PokeStop.

How much XP is the new PokeStop?

How to Earn XP in Pokemon GO

XP Award Action
250 First Spin of New PokeStop
500 10th Pokestop Streak Bonus on a New PokeStop
500 Hatch an Egg (5 km)
1,000 Hatch an Egg (10 km)
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