Best answer: How do you make a new buddy in Pokemon go?

How do I add a new buddy on Pokemon Go?

To reach the new option, Hit the picture of your trainer in the lower left corner of the screen. Then tap the menu button in the lower right corner. Tap the Buddy menu option, which has been added between Journal and Customize. Choose your buddy.

Can you have multiple buddies in Pokemon Go?

Upon learning this, the next question any good trainer will undoubtably ask is “Can you have more than one “Pokemon Go” buddy?” While I like your optimism, the simple answer is sadly, no. Trainers are only allowed to elect one active buddy at a time, and earn candies for that specific Pokemon type.

Why won’t my Eevee evolve into Sylveon?

The 70 hearts needed to evolve Eevee into Sylveon must be earned after the event starts. Players can’t take an Eevee that has already earned 70 hearts prior to the event and then evolve it.

How many hearts does a Sylveon have?

Sylveon: Normally, you have to acquire 70 buddy hearts with Eevee as your buddy. For community day, this is lowered to a much more manageable 7 hearts.

How many hearts do you get per Buddy level?

To earn Best Buddy with your chosen ‘mon, you’ll need to earn 300 Hearts. Completing the above process each day for 12-13 days will allow you to reach Best Buddy status, providing you also spin new Pokestops.

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What is the best buddy to have in Pokémon go?

The top five most used buddy Pokémon are Magikarp, Gyarados, Noibat, Mewtwo, and Eevee.

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