Best answer: Does rest get rid of confusion Pokémon?


Does rest cure confusion?

Your Pokémon is protected from any further status changes while Resting. Rest does not remove or prevent confusion or Leech Seed, however.

Can you cure confusion in Pokémon?

Confusion can be healed by switching out the confused Pokémon. It can also be cured by using a Persim Berry, a Bitter Berry, a Full Heal, or the Yellow Flute. Pokémon with the ability Own Tempo cannot be confused.

Does lum berry cure confusion?

A Lum Berry, if held by a Pokémon, can cure it of any non-volatile status condition and confusion instantly, or can be used as an item to cure any non-volatile status condition and confusion at any time.

What Pokémon Cannot be confused?

Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused. Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused.


Games Description
BSL こんらんじょうたいに ならない
Conq. Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused.

How is confusion damage calculated?

Confusion damage is calculated as if it were a typeless physical move with a power of 40; it cannot score a critical hit, and does not receive STAB. Confusion damage is unaffected by Wonder Guard, Technician, and a held Life Orb.

Which Pokemon uses confusion?

By leveling up

Pokémon Type Level
Golduck water 1, 16
Kadabra psychic 1, 16
Alakazam psychic 1, 16
Slowpoke water/psychic 20

Why do Pokemon hurt themselves in confusion?

The confused condition causes a Pokémon to hurt itself in its confusion 50% of the time. The damage is done as if the Pokémon attacked itself with a 40-power typeless physical attack (without the possibility of a critical hit).

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Does hex work with confusion?

The Confusion Hex (incantation unknown) is a hex which impairs foes by weakening their mental awareness, making them more vulnerable to attack.

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